Arlen Jolee, Freddie Hale, Xakzar 'zak' Boulderhorn LOCATION: HALLWAY OUTSIDE MENS QUARTERS
SYS: recording started

XB: *allready awake and is stepping out of the bathroom, presumably after taking a shower, they are clothed* FH: *Walking out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes and yawns* XB: yo morning Freddie, u have a pleasant sleep? FH: as good of a sleep as I can with mister "need magic chanting background noise to sleep over here" XB: is it really that bad? I don't really hear anything at night. FB: well you don't really hear anything FB: its more like you are unable to be comfortable because there is some presence that will not let you type of thing.

SYS: *sound of intercom turning on* SYS: [[LOG-ANNOUNCEMENT-20491]] plays

XB: fuck yeah!, Finally my favorite. XB: *pumps fist and runs out of hallway* FB: ..... FB: nice FB: ok I gota wake magic pants over here FB: *walks over to the only other ocupied room in the hallway* FB: *sighs* FB: ok its time to wake up, you missed the ann- SYS: door opens AJ: i did not miss the announcements AJ: i was just preparing myself for having to interact with the the rest of you FB: Shure FB: they got something for us in the bay, we better check it out huh? AJ: that's something for you to do. FB: ..... AJ: anyways ill be in my room practicing my magics FB: you know you cant do that in there FB: Danyel just said it on the intercom AJ: really? i wasn't paying attention AJ: what are you gona do about it? tell her? AJ: what is she gona do about it? fire me? AJ: don't be serious, im the head magic researcher, they cant do shit. FH: now don't worry your little head about me FH: Now go get me some mush from the canteen AJ: fuck you

SYS: recording stopped