DP: Good morning crew!, it's a wonderful day on this sea bed. DP: Its day 120 of this stint on in the deep dark. DP: ok so lets see announcements. DP: *clears throught* DP: we got a new shipment coming today so ash, you better not be lying about being forklift certified. DP: cause uh, DP: there's some pretty heavy stuff in there DP: .... DP: in this shipment where getting new seeds for the atrium, you know more testing what can be grown efficiently in low light, Lily you know what to do with those. DP: Zak is gona be happy with this one, a bunch of uh, limestone. go ham kid you disserve it. DP: And it appears that, oop, there's something for the magic boys. Freddie, Arlen you know what to do i think. DP: and in other news we are getting a resupply of air tanks so those are going to be distributed around the facility, and we got fresh clothes and jumpsuits, thank good ness the salt water is not the best for washing clothes to say the least. DP: oh and one last thing, Cooperate has decided that the best way to supply us with new entertainment is to just send us hard drives with the games preinstalled so hopefully yall will know what to do about all of that. DP: and uh DP: ...... That seems to- Oh i know its getting old and i know we already know but remember no magic is to be used outside of the Magic research area of the base ok. DP: its for your and everyone else safety that you fallow the rules and regulations regarding magic in the first place ok. Remember why where in at the bottom of the ocean ok. DP: ok crew, that it for the announcements for today, for real this time. Lets have a safe and productive day.